Leak Detection Services

Municipal, Industrial, and Residential.

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While we specialize in private utility locating, we also can provide concrete scanning, video pipe inspection, and leak detection services. Municipalities, utilities, and industrial facilities rely on leak detection services to maintain efficient, safe water distribution within fire protection systems and a domestic supply network.

Leak Detection Services

Leak Detection - Municipal, Industrial, and Residential.

Leak Detection Services

The effects of severe leaks may be seen underground, where soil can be eroded, voids can form, and buildings can be compromised without any water ever reaching the surface.

Leak detection is our specialty, including municipal, industrial, and residential leaks. In addition to locating your leak, our Leak Detection Specialists can provide many other insights into your water distribution system.

Acoustic Leak Detection

Acoustic Leak Detection

How are Leaks Detected?

An acoustic leak detector is highly recommended to reduce the need to dig out the ground or remove structures to inspect pipes physically. Having to dig out the ground requires considerable effort and subsequent repairs and replacements. In addition, finding leaks by excavating and checking can be time-consuming. The use of leak correlators and acoustic detectors eliminates the need for manual inspections of the lines. These leak detection methods are more cost-efficient and environmentally friendly since they don't require digging or destroying the environment.

Detection specialists use various technologies and decades of experience to pinpoint leaks. Their location is verified in real-time via corresponding software. Further, our leak detection services can be integrated with other services such as valve exercising, utility locating, and infrastructure mapping helping customers improve efficiencies and better understand underground infrastructure.

Acoustic leak detection and leak noise correlators are two of the most common technologies used in leak detection.

Listening for leaks from subsurface pipelines

Listening for leaks from subsurface pipelines

Acoustic Leak Detection

Using ground microphones, acoustic leak detection listens for leaks from subsurface pipelines.

Understanding acoustics is essential to understanding how acoustic leak detection works. Acoustics is the study of how sound is transmitted and reflected through buildings, rooms, and objects. Sound is generated by vibration. Vibrations happen when an object moves quickly back and forth. A ringing bell vibrates and moves the surrounding air, creating sound. It then propagates the sound outwards. A vibration with more energy produces a louder sound. The bell's sound is reflected in waves. Sound waves can move through solids, water, and air.

Sound waves travel differently through different types of matter. In gases, like air, the particles are further apart than liquids. Particles in liquids, like water, are farther apart than solids. Sound travels quickly through solids due to the proximity of the particles. Close particles transfer sound energy more efficiently. As a result, liquids and air transfer sound much more slowly. Consequently, the speed of sound varies, especially in gases.

As an object vibrates, the matter around it vibrates as well. The sound of the bell travels through the air and the ground in all directions.

A leaky pipe has the same properties as a bell ringing. When a pipe leaks, the water that pushes through the compromised material causes it to vibrate. Vibrations are audible to sensitive audio equipment.

A metal pipe, such as cast iron/ductile mains, small copper service lines, or steel pipe, transmits the sound of a water leak over a longer distance than a PVC or asbestos-cement pipe. PVC pipes transmit minimal sound. The leak detection specialist taking acoustic readings to locate the leak inside a PVC system typically requires more readings to pinpoint its location.

In addition, the size and material of the pipe must be considered. Regardless of their material, small diameter pipes are more likely to transmit more sound than large diameter pipes. The frequencies transmitted by large diameter pipes are lower than those conveyed by small diameter pipes.

The leak detection specialist taking acoustic readings to locate the leak inside

The leak detection specialist taking acoustic readings to locate the leak inside

As an object vibrates, the matter around it vibrates as well. The sound of the bell travels through the air and the ground in all directions.

A leaky pipe has the same properties as a bell ringing. When a pipe leaks, the water that pushes through the compromised material causes it to vibrate. Vibrations are audible to sensitive audio equipment.

A metal pipe, such as cast iron/ductile mains, small copper service lines, or steel pipe, transmits the sound of a water leak over a longer distance than a PVC or asbestos-cement pipe. PVC pipes transmit minimal sound. The leak detection specialist taking acoustic readings to locate the leak inside a PVC system typically requires more readings to pinpoint its location.

In addition, the size and material of the pipe must be considered. Regardless of their material, small diameter pipes are more likely to transmit more sound than large diameter pipes. The frequencies transmitted by large diameter pipes are lower than those conveyed by small diameter pipes.

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Leak Noise Correlators

We use leak detection correlators, also known as leak noise correlators, to locate leaks in water lines and water pipes quickly and accurately.

A leak detection correlator works similarly to an acoustic leak detector, but they complete this process differently. Unlike acoustic leak detectors, leak noise correlators detect vibrations using a computer rather than listening to the frequencies.

The sensors are placed on both sides of the pipe, and they send information back and forth over radio signals. The central control unit displays the location of each suspected leak using an automated process when there are detected anomalies. This data is then compared with mathematical algorithms designed for the particular noise profile of the pipe being tested, determining where the leak originates between each sensor.

For leak correlators to detect leaks accurately, they need information about the material the leak sound travels through. The user enters pipe size, type, and distance between each logger. Calculations can be done based on the sound speed for standard pipe sizes.

Sound levels and frequencies provide additional information about the leak, including its size and severity and if it occurs in a pipe, valve, hydrant, or service line. First, leaks are detected and then, if found, targeted for repair. The leak detection specialists map out the leaks using the leak detection correlators and then utilize acoustic leak detection equipment to pinpoint the leaks more accurately.


Why Should You Choose Us for Leak Detection?

Our leak detection specialists have been trained and mentored to assess every situation possible, placing safety above all.

If you have been searching for a water leak detection company that you can rely on, we're here to help!

Don't wait. To schedule a project with GPRS, click here. Our highly trained Project Managers will keep your project on time, on budget, and safe.