GPR Scanning for Private Underground Utilities – Lubbock, TX

A former lumber yard located in Lubbock, Texas was on the market, and the realtor needed to gain knowledge of the soil contents prior to selling the property. An environmental engineering company was called out to perform several soil borings to test the soil. They needed to take six samples around the property to in order to obtain the information needed. Prior to drilling, David Hagenmayer with Ground Penetrating Radar Systems, LLC., was contracted to scan the proposed locations and mark out all underground utilities and obstructions in the area. David was able to determine the precise locations and depths of the utilities. The client was then able to drill safely without hitting any obstructions.

Ground Penetrating Radar is cost effective, non-hazardous, and provides data in real time. For GPRS capabilities in West Texas, please call (806) 201-1257 or email